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germany, no alcohol, nolo -

Dry January is a frustrating trend. It hits the wine industry hard, and it doesn't really meet health concerns. Drinking lots of alcohol in December, stopping for a month, and then beginning again in February isn't the best model of abstinence. So I'm writing this post about low alcohol wines in February, because they can be drunk any time of the year. The term "Nolo" refers to wines that have no or low alcohol. I've always been a bit skeptical because most of those I've tried have been at best tasteless and at worst plain terrible. But one of the...

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austria, champagne, crémant, england, germany, oregon, prosecco -

I’ve been travelling quite a bit recently, taking in England, Germany, Australia, and the Pacific North-West. As I tasted my way through these different regions, I realised just how much good sparkling wine I had been enjoying, and that many of these wines weren’t simply carbon copies of champagne but entirely their own thing. I was reflecting on all this as I drove to Syncline, a producer in Columbia Gorge, Washington. I had no idea they even made sparkling wine (I was there for their superb Gamay), but as I was enjoying the 2014 Blanc de Noirs owner and winemaker...

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austria, blaufränkisch, burgenland, finger lakes, germany, lemberger, new york, württemberg -

Blaufränkisch is one of Austria's most important black grapes. Its historic reputation can be seen in its name: Fränkisch is a traditional term for a high-quality grape, in contrast to inferior varieties which were called Heunisch. It produces spicy, meaty wines not dissimilar to Syrah, though not as tannic, and is more suited to a cooler climate. Its origins lie somewhere between the modern Austrian and Hungarian borders. In Hungary, it's called Kékfrankos (a literal translation of Blaufränkisch) where the wines are particularly bloody. There are around 1,800ha planted in Germany, where the grape is called Lemberger, named after the southern...

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